Quarterly Newsletter
The Daily Routine Quaterly Newsletter keeps subscribers up-to-date with Daily Routine development. You can expect 3-5 emails a year (roughly one per quarter). Topics include features that have been implemented recently, features under consideration and tips & tricks.
The newsletter is intended for subscribers and we respect our subscribers. That's why the email has no tracking pixels and no ads. It's just a simple, medium length email written by the developer a few times per year talking about interesting developments in the world of Daily Routine.
What Happens Now?
After subscribing you'll receive an email asking you to confirm that you really want to subscribe. This is an important precaution to ensure that other people don't sign you up without your consent. After confirming you'll immediately receive the most recent Quarterly Newsletter (if there is one).
Avoid the Spam Folder
To ensure the Quartlery Newsletter doesn't end up in your spam folder, consider adding newsletter@dailyroutine.com to your contact list.
How to Unsubscribe
Unsubscribing is quick and easy. Just click the 'unsubscribe' link at the bottom of any Quarterly Newsletter email. You will immediately be unsubscribed from the Daily Routine Quarterly Newsletter and taken to a page on this site confirming the unsubscription. From that point on you will receive no more Quarterly Newsletter emails unless you resubscribe.